Wednesday, April 23

Madness in McD

BEWARE....Mad fellars on the lose in McD... XD


Name : Yong, aka Electrolux 
Features : Always seen with his camera. Don't worry he's no stalker. I think...

Name : Paul, aka Pauleena
Features : Always with a face that is...erm....cute?

Contact me if you are able to get intact with them. I'm wanting to join them.
Name : Tong, aka Xinzaru.blank in this blogspot. Nice to meet you all.

Well well. Didn't we just introduced ourselves out of this three blogs. Well, as you can see, from this three pictures, the first one is Yong, next is Paul and lastly it me, Tong. We are the pioneers of this blogspot over here. Obviously from the title of the blog, we do enjoy having dim sum in the morning instead of morning lectures in our 'beloved' campus. Haha. We are all UTARian, pursuing the course of our own. Well at this time we are having our finals going on for the next weeks ahead, and as you can see, we are blogging. ehmmm.... sorry having dim sum than having lectures. XD

We were suppose to be studying together when we get in McD. But, well as time passes by, boredom comes and visit us. So picture if you do. XD

Anyway, this point of the of this blogspot, you shall enter the world of us in campus life and thoughts in various points. So just, get your pop corn, eh eh...sorry, your dim sums', your cup of 'yin yong', sit back, and enjoy the show. ^^v

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